Uma jornalista dos Emirados Árabes Unidos, Danae Mercer, criou um perfil no Instagram basicamente para ajudar as mulheres a sentirem-se bem com seus corpos do jeito que são.

Danae mostra que a vida real é mais do que aquilo que vemos na televisão, nas revistas e agora, principalmente, nas redes sociais.

Muitas imagens são manipuladas ou produzidas a partir de condições que favoreçam, através de luz ou da pose em que a mulher fica.

Danae não tem nada contra a preparação e a edição de fotografia, mas considera bastante importante que todos saibam que todos os corpos possuem suas “imperfeições”.

Todos temos de ter noção de que nem tudo é o que parece e que são usados muitos truques para se aparentar ter um corpo que, na verdade, não reflete a realidade por trás de uma câmara.

Ter celulite ou ter estrias é uma coisa natural e que a maioria das mulheres tem. “Quem diz que a celulite é má? Quem nos faz sentir envergonhadas por termos estrias? Quem é que criou esta ideia de beleza?”, escreveu Danae em uma das suas fotos.


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POSED vs RELAXED – Or SWIPE RIGHT to see how I ACTUALLY sunbathe. But also, want to know why I’m giggling so hard in the top picture? Because the POSE is so gosh darn UNCOMFORTABLE. But it’s a REALLY POPULAR ONE with models trying to get the PERFECT peachy PATOOTIE. In that TOP SNAP, I’ve got my hips arched crazy high to the sky. My core is super tight. I’m propped up on my elbows so my tatas look bigger (using the power of gravity and my elbows), and I’ve got my face turned to the sun so that the light falls on it nicely. In the BOTTOM PIC, I’m just, well, sitting. Like I would if I was chilling on a sun lounger. And not being photographed. As for the video? That is just a bit of candid truth @chiclebelle took of me. I didn’t want to sunburn my face so out came the deck furniture. Anyways, all this is to remind you that SOCIAL MEDIA isn’t real. And magazines aren’t real. And movies aren’t real. And if YOUR SKIN MOVES or FOLDS or WIGGLES when you sit down, well, welcome to the club. Mine does too :). So here’s to sharing our POSED snaps. And our RELAXED ones too. Because arched or chilled, Sunbathing or sun-hiding, Us ladies are pretty darn amazing. Perfectly imperfect and all. Location: @kandima_maldives Photographer: @chiclebelle #selflove #selfacceptance #bodyacceptance #maldives #kandimamaldives #instavsreality #realityvsreality

Uma publicação compartilhada por Danae | Angles + Self Love (@danaemercer) em

Na publicação a seguir, Danae compara seu bumbum em fotos tiradas em poses e luzes diferentes e perceba a diferença que isso faz! Em todas as fotos é o corpo dela!


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Let’s talk LIGHT and CELLULITE. And, hey, why you’re BUMBUM is great at all hours of the day. All these pics are my bum. The MAIN difference is the lighting. On pictures snapped during midday or harsh sun (usually around 12 – 3pm), my cellulite is saying hello. The more gentle, subtle cellulite pops up on photos that I took around sunrise / sunset. And then the pics where you can’t see my cellulite at all? Those are either backlit (so the sun is in front of me and the photographer is shooting towards it) or I’m in complete shade. When there’s no harsh light crashing down, there are no bright highlights and dark shadows. So lumps and bumps get smoothed. Of course there are a few posing differences. I’m popping and arching in the bottom left (perky peach!), and I’m giving a lil squeeze in the one right above it (cellulite!). But basically, the long and short here is that LIGHT is often used to HIDE WIGGLES and JIGGLES. So now onto my next point: Your body, whether it’s your tooshie or your arms or your fabulous neck acne (my newest thing o.o) deserves to be seen at all hours of the day, in all the light. How it shows up in PHOTOS may vary. But how YOU exist, and how YOU show up? That has NOTHING to do with some silly snapshot moment, and EVERYTHING to do with what’s going on inside. So today, give your MIND and HEART a lil bit of LOVE. Treat your BODY with KINDNESS. And know that YOU are AMAZING. You are. You absolutely are. I hope this helps. x All photos by @chiclebelle who is undoubtedly tired of my bum by now. #celluliteisnormal #stretchmarks #cellulite #strengthmarks #instavsreality #selflove #bodyacceptance

Uma publicação compartilhada por Danae | Angles + Self Love (@danaemercer) em

Nessa imagem, o ângulo faz com que a celulite “desapareça”


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Don’t COMPARE YOURSELF to a stranger on the internet. In these pics, I’m just posing differently. On the LEFT I’ve done a classic insta pose: legs towards the camera, core tight, back arched. On the right I’m actually resting my body weight on my legs, like I would if I was actually crouching down. So today I just wanted to remind you: Don’t compare yourself to a stranger on social media. Don’t compare yourself to hundreds of highlight reels. Not in the way your body is shaped. Not in the way you handle emotions or challenges. Not in the raw fragile parts that make you who you are. Because what we see on here is an echo chamber of perfect angles and hand picked truths. And humans are far more complex, far more nuanced, far more perfectly imperfect than that. You got this. x . . #selflove #bodyacceptance #instavsreality #instagramvsreality #posing #bodyconfidence #feminist

Uma publicação compartilhada por Danae | Angles + Self Love (@danaemercer) em

Insta vs Realidade / ou porque a PERFEIÇÃO é PERIGOSA


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Insta vs Reality / or why PERFECTION is DANGEROUS. Perfection puts a wall up between us and others. It does. Whether it’s in POSING FOR PHOTOS or LIVING OUR LIVES. Especially for us PEOPLE PLEASERS. Because it shows only our sparkly bits. Our STAGED bits. Our MASKS that we wear when we are quietly afraid no one will love us otherwise. It proves we are good little girls. Only here’s the thing: PERFECTION builds that barrier. Because ultimately, it’s only a half truth. A brief moment. A STAGED PHOTO. And us humans, we are more complex than that. We are raw and clumsy with belly laughs and cellulite and fears and dreams so fragile we dare only to whisper them into existence. So today, show someone your imperfect. Show them your real. Let them see you for all the splendour and glory you are, and let YOURSELF be SEEN for the same. Whether it’s simply rocking your WIGGLES at the BEACH or opening up about your HOPES. Show YOU. As someone who has only started embracing VULNERABILITY in her 30s, trust me on this: It’s so much more incredible than perfection could ever hope to be. It’s human. It’s wonderful. It’s real. x Photos @chiclebelle gabrielleph as always #selflove #feminist #selfacceptance #inspiringquotes #positivequotes #iweigh #mentalhealth

Uma publicação compartilhada por Danae | Angles + Self Love (@danaemercer) em


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What you see vs what you don’t / or cowgirl, I don’t care if POSE. I don’t care if you wear MAKEUP. I don’t care how YOU CHOOSE to SHOW UP. I’m just glad you’re here. Both these images are ME. They were taken seconds apart. The only difference is how I’m POSING, arching my body and angling it into the LIGHT. In one I’ve hidden my cellulite with the shadows, popping my bum out and squeezing my core tight for a traditional ‘insta’ pose. In the other I’m just crouching ‘normally’. But the person inside that posed or relaxed body? The soul? The sass? Well. That hasn’t changed one bit. Yesterday I got a DM from a lovely woman: ‘Do you notice you still pose in some of your stories? Look at your knee.’ And the day before, a question: ‘If you’re all about self love, how do you wear makeup?’ And on another post: ‘But why are you sucking your stomach in here?’ Because. Because those things, in those moments, made ME feel like ME. Empowerment looks and feels different on every woman. And only YOU can know what makes you feel like your most AUTHENTIC, true self. So while I talk a lot about how social media is filtered, And focus on tools to help you navigate this wild, weird online space, I want to reiterate something close to my heart: You, however you choose to show up, You are welcome here. Makeup or bare faced. Wiggling and jiggling on the beach or posing your heart out in some sassy boudoir shoot. Whatever authenticity looks like FOR you? You are welcome here. x #selflove #selfacceptance #instavsreality #realityvsreality #bodyacceptance #Celluliteisnormal

Uma publicação compartilhada por Danae | Angles + Self Love (@danaemercer) em


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The angle you see VS the one you don’t (with Koala kitten as a bonus) / or let’s talk BOYFRIENDS. In the last six months, I’ve been DMed multiple times by gals telling me they’ve shown their partner my photos. ‘And he thought it wasn’t the SAME PERSON!’ They add. A friend of mine used her body to demonstrate. ‘Look at what happens when I relax. Look at my skin.’ Her partner had never seen her sit like that before. She hadn’t allowed herself to around him. I’ve had one man, a husband, message me something similar. He always thought only the women in his life had CELLULITE sitting down. ‘I never saw it on social,’ he added. So clearly it was just the gals he knew that had these, to use his words, ‘imperfections.’ The offline women were ‘off’. The online women perfect. This is a theme we are seeing more and more. Young boys are growing up with dark internet corners and ideal social media worlds. By 10, studies show they’ll have been exposed to plenty of not-for-children content. TikTok slips in face editing apps automatically. There are video tools that change bodies real time. All this brings me back to my first point: Let’s talk about guys. And how we can make a change. I don’t know the answer to this one. I don’t have any advice. But it’s on my mind and it’s in my DMs. And at this exact moment, it’s bouncing around the comment section of an old post too. But perhaps a first step would be this: Let your partner see you from all the angles, And remind the kiddos that online isn’t real. Before we get to a point where only glossy perfection is the only type of reality so many of us know. #instavsreality #selflove #mycalvins #feminist #bodyacceptance

Uma publicação compartilhada por Danae | Angles + Self Love (@danaemercer) em


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Insta vs Reality – or let’s talk SITTING I would NEVER ACTUALLY sit like the picture on the left. Because I’m not even sitting. I’m hovering. My quads are holding my body weight. My core is tight, my back arched. And I am up OFF my HEELS, otherwise my thighs would squish and dimple all around my feet and legs. Because, hey, that’s what SKIN DOES. The way I sit is like the right: relaxed, chilled, my limbs in comfortable positions. BOTH pics are fantastic, and I’m totally here for it if you want to POSE or chill, ARCH or RELAX. Whatever speaks to you, go for it. My goal today is just to PULL BACK that CURTAIN And remind you again, and again, and as many times as I need to that SOCIAL MEDIA is NOT REAL. These quick, fleeting instances are filtered, Posed. Smoothed. Lit. Oiled. Glossed. Until perfection is all we are presented with. But us humans, we are way more WONDERFUL than that. And our bodies are just wrappings for what sits inside: Our souls. Our hearts. Our spirits. All the things that don’t perk up or slouch down when a camera flicks off or on. And all the things that matter SO MUCH MORE than a single SELFIE ever could. Hope that helps today. You’re incredible girl. Don’t ever forget it. x #instavsreality #posedvsrelaxed #socialmediavsreality #celluliteisnormal

Uma publicação compartilhada por Danae | Angles + Self Love (@danaemercer) em


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Insta vs Reality / OR changing your BODY does not change your BODY IMAGE. There was a time in my life when I was obsessed with being thin. I skipped meals. Memories. Moments. I was convinced if I lost those next 10lbs, if I hit this magical number in my mind, I would feel good. Strong. WORTHY. I was convinced I would be LOVED. And that maybe, just maybe, I would love myself too. But here’s the thing: Shrinking changed NOTHING. Except some number on a scale. Now I am heavier. Older. And I have never felt more confident in my body or in myself. It’s still a work in progress (always, maybe always), but I see my CELLULITE and don’t feel shame. I see my limbs with all their bits in ALL THE LIGHTING and love what they can do for me. And I see my heart, clumsy as it is, stumbling as it is, and I let it be. I let it exist without judgement. So today, I want to remind you something it too me far too long to learn: Changing our APPEARANCE won’t FIX what’s going on INSIDE. We can train and sweat and eat all the greens, but if we don’t solve what’s happening in our hearts or in our heads, those thoughts will remain. Those battles will remain. Whether they are related to how we see our BODIES Or how we view OURSELVES. The work starts inside. In our heads. In our hearts. In the quiet, raw, tender bits of our soul, that sit so fragile and so shy just crying out for love. In all these parts, that’s where the true change happens. And that’s something we can never really share in an insta/reality photo. But we can certainly like all the same. You got this girl. x Photo @chiclebelle who is just a wondrous woman. #selflove #bodyconfident #selflove #iweigh #feminist #mentalhealth #edrecovery

Uma publicação compartilhada por Danae | Angles + Self Love (@danaemercer) em

Não é um antes e depois…


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BEFORE and AFTER transformations are so gosh darn easy to FAKE. And dodgy brands, like those selling DIET TEAS or DIET JABS (the newest horrible thing to hit the market) often do exactly that. So before I get into the ANGLES and the technique and all that razzle dazzle, I just want to say this: Be careful. Especially to the teens on here, or those of us who have struggled with disordered body image. Be careful. Dodgy companies will use dodgy methods to try to sell you things you don’t need. Things like teas that make you poo or SHOTS that mess up your body or pills that make your heart race. HEALTH goals are incredible. There are LOADS of GENUINE FITNESS transformations on here too. Plenty of REAL ‘before and afters’, which are shared by folks who are proud at all they’ve achieved. Those are incredible. I always have and I always will APPLAUD HEALTH as an act of self love. This post isn’t about that. It’s about the BEFORE AND AFTERS with DIET ADS. Or with DETOX TEAS. Or with the most recent onslaught of SKINNY SHOTS. And all the awful, awful fakery that wraps themselves around products more concerned with MONEY than with WELLNESS. It’s about learning to be careful. And to view the internet with a critical eye — especially where money is involved. Now if you’re curious about HOW I took these PHOTOS, here’s what I did: Pulled my bottoms up higher (longer leg line). Arched my back (waist looks smaller, bum bigger). Popped into my hips. Squeezed my core. Played with light and shadows to hide my cellulite. Swapped into more flattering clothes. And BAM. Before to After in 10 seconds flat. Try it if you fancy. It’s pretty much a back workout. So there you go. Glad you’re here. I hope this helped. Please don’t ever buy a skinny jab. We’re in this together. x #angles #posingtips #selfconfidence #beforeandafter #instagramvsreality #instavsreality

Uma publicação compartilhada por Danae | Angles + Self Love (@danaemercer) em

“Dê à sua MENTE e CORAÇÃO um pouquinho de AMOR. Trate seu CORPO com BONDADE. E saiba que VOCÊ é INCRÍVEL. Você é. Você absolutamente é.” Comentou Danae em outra foto publicada em seu Instagram. Portanto, NÃO SE COMPARE com um pessoas estranha na internet!

Por Márcia Lourenço. Sou Nutricionista e pós-graduada em fisiologia, bioquímica e nutrição do esporte. Apaixonada por nutrição e por comida que nutra o corpo e alma, sem terrorismos! O intuito principal da Ideias Nutritivas é trazer novidades e curiosidades sobre nutrição orientando-os nas melhores escolhas, publicando dicas alimentares, receitas, curiosidades e estilo de vida. Além disso, estou aqui para incentivar pensamentos e atitudes positivas, com conteúdos inspiradores e histórias motivadoras que nutram os seus sentidos! ?